Monday, April 04, 2005

a series of surprises

We got a record amount of rain this Saturday. I am not sure what record it broke, but my neighbor said it was a record and that's good enough for me. Sometime in the afternoon I went in our backyard to throw out some trash. That is surprise #1. I took out the trash and in the rain no less.

As I was putting the trashbag in the can, I noticed that some water was pooling up against the house. Surprise #2. Miss Kate will attest to the fact that noticing shit is not exactly my strong suit.

Next, I went down to the basement to check to see if that pool of water was having any effect in the house. Surprise #3 on a whole series of levels. Cause and effect, spacial relationships, walking downstairs.

The water was effecting the basement...and not in a good way. Next, panic. Not a surprise. Miss Kate and I began imagining what a Saturday visit by the basement floody guy on a record breaking day would cost (granted, we didn't know then it was a record breaking day but it was definitely raining a lot). Also, that morning we brought our mutt to the vet in the rain and as per usual, the vet said, "Oh, this is gonna cost ya, pilgrim." So, now we are broke and getting broker and I am wondering if instead of cash the basement guy would just take a used dog.

Finally, as darkness was setting on our situation, with only a few trips (three, not counting the one where I realized I had forgotten my wallet as I pulled into the parking lot) to Home Depot, I fixed everything. Surprise #4. Um, I don't know how to fix things. And Surprise #5, it was cheap.


Blogger Miss Kate said...

You sure did fix it, and like a pro! And you looked so good out there diggin' in the dirt. You are a sexy man!

And on top of all that, I don't have to go get a job selling Mary Kay to pay for the drainage. Thanks Baby!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Way to go! Soon you'll be wearing overalls, a tool belt, an assortment of powertool (with which you may even be able to cause serious self-inflicted bodily harm), and a large supply of duct tape and WD-40.
Two sayings you might want to use frequently:
- A man only needs two things in life; WD-40 to make things go, duct tape to make them stop.
- If it's jammed, force it. If it breaks, it needed to be replaced anyway.

4:25 PM  

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