Monday, February 06, 2006

dot your dots

Since starting my self-imposed hiatus from blogging, I have had several requests to return. Some as comments on old posts, several emails and phone calls by those who know me personally, and also one highly publicized suicide. But now redballoon has had her say, and, truth be known, I can't say no to redballoon.

So let me tell you about my 3rd grade teacher. She was a nasty hagling. During some sit-in-the-corner-listening-to-headphones lesson, my friend Matt wouldn't stop telling me to dot my i's. And then he said, "dot your dots" and I said "what?" and that lady grabbed me and made me stand in the garbage can for the rest of the lesson.

It's not really a funny story because she was such a nasty piece of terrible, but I still get a chuckle imagining myself in that grey/green can. My friend 'Nine' and I almost got kicked out of an adult education class on ethics because we couldn't stop tittering at the image of an eight year old version of me standing there wishing hot death on that wicked woman. When I think of it, I can feel how short I was. The top of the can only came up to my waist.

And you see folks (here's the bag, and the cat's comin' out of it), redballoon is short. She's short and laughs a lot and when she's mad she might just have to kick your ass.

(and she feels a little bad for the hag-beast because she knows just how exasperating I can be)


Blogger Scott said...

Welcome back!

I was going to make a thoughtful and insightful comment on your post, but I was distracted by the commentospam you got - the daily life of a park ranger at www.juicyfruiter.whatever???
I have to click on it just out of curiosity!

1:04 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

And it's not even a real blog!

1:05 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Crap! I think I missed the window of opportunity here...You came back, no one told me, by the time I find out and I're vacationing in the Canary Islands...or some such place. jeesh

10:41 PM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

I took a break, too. I've done some pretty inane blogging on 'myspace'. Like posting websites that outline the amount of alcohol you can put in a jello shooter before it ceases to gel.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, okay, you come back only to leave a post that makes fun of ME? What is wrong with this picture?

8:10 PM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

Yeah, I really gave up on you. I came back to harrass you for not posting, only to find you posted and I missed it.

It's good to know you have friends like Redballoon whose opinion you truly cherish.

Way to go shorty.

3:47 PM  

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