Monday, June 27, 2005

give 'til it hurts

I am sure by now you have heard about how Oprah Winfrey was denied entry to the Hermes boutique in Paris. She showed up after hours just like celebreties are supposed to do. The boutique has offered a lame excuse about having to set up for a private public relations event. According to the Grand Dame herself, it was "one of the most humiliating moments of her life."

We all have been there. I remember kids throwing pennies at me and yelling "Pick em up, Jewboy!" All those people roaming freely inside the boutique must have seemed to have that same snarling face I remember.

Like me, many of you are probably wondering what you can do to help. Look no further. I am forming the Help Oprah Shop Foundation. Contact me on how to donate.

Have a blessed day.


Blogger Sylow_P said...

Pennies? I never threw less than a dime. They're actually smaller, and they only hurt if launched with a sling-shot.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

Sylow, you are too generous. I wouldn't waste my pennies or dimes on Sparky. Especially since I found out he spends them all on Pokemon cards. At his age!

12:01 PM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Dudes! Forget the friggin' pennies! There is a woman out there who probably still can't sleep...definitely still can't shop. She's hurtin' people. Let's try to stay on the ball here.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I have a friend who went all the way to Chicago just to see a live taping of Oprah and she didn't even get a frickin car! Talk about humiliating experiences - all the way to Chicago remember and she had to come home WITHOUT A FREE CAR!
If this is the way Oprah treats her fans, she's on her own with the Hermes store. If she thinks I'm going to go out of my way to allow her to shop after-hours but NOT give away cars to my friends who go all the way to Chicago she's got another thing coming.

12:23 PM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Capt, this will require some verification. Because, as I understand it, everyone in the audience gets a car.

Also, was your friend humiliated in front of huge group of his Oprah was at Hermes?

That hurts extra bad.

12:29 PM  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Those French can be such bastards! All that wine drinking....laughing. It hurts.

12:32 PM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

pg, I hear ya! My previous work with The Eliminate Effeminate Frenchieness Foundation met with limited success though.

The struggle continues.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I assure you the no free car situation really happened. My friend and one of her friends flew to Chicago just to see Oprah. The show didn't feature anyone famous or even really interesting, and they got no prizes.
Plus, ALL of their friends knew - when they got back people gathered around and asked what kind of car they got - and they were forced to admit, while crying with the shame of it mind you, that they got no free car.

12:40 PM  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Oh yea-The EEFF. I've heard of it. Good cause!

1:02 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Since Oprah is a Tom Cruise lover almost as much as she's an Oprah lover...she can go scarfless or purseless forever.

I'm sick to death of Oprah.

I could ramble on and on, but that sentence should suffice.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

I am trying to empathize with Ms. Winfrey by remembering my most embarrasing moment. I think it was walking across campus with my dress tucked up under my backpack. It was in no way as traumatizing as the incident at the Hermes store, but there are some definite similarities. Like Oprah, I was also unable to purchase a watch for Tina Turner that day. Also, both situations created fear that our popularity would be affected. As it turns out, I became more popular. Let's hope Oprah enjoys the same.

1:41 PM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Capt, obviously you have some sort of vicious vendetta against Ms. Winfrey on behalf of your "friend".

pg, yes EEFF was a glorious thing in its day. Don't forget the slogan: "eeff yu speek lahk zis...we're against you!"

mb, no fair judging OW by her association with Tom. He obviously used some sort of Scientology mindmelding flimflam on her. They have magical, mystical powers, dontcha know?

crackhead, what about that time you walked around New Orleans butt naked? You were so embarrassed. No wait, it was the rest of us that was embarrassed.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

Wait a minute. Crackhead being naked would be one thing. I was embarrased that her single item of clothing was a slip designed for an eight year old.

No wonder that priest kept following us.

Now that's a picture worth posting sparky.

3:02 PM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Sylow, I do have that pic right here on my computer. I said "butt naked" earlier because the "slip" only goes down to the small of her back. I would post it but I think I would risk crossing onto that slippery slope of "pornoblog".

How all this is gonna help poor Oprah is beyond me.

5:06 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

This subject of Oprah and her shopping woes no longer relates.

See: and click on her Tom Cruise Kills Oprah link...

7:02 AM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Well, mb. I think you are right. The Foundation has become moot.

Do we need a Lets Lock Up Tom Cruise Before He Does More Damage To Himself And Others Foundation?

9:03 AM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

someone beat you to it

10:03 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

I went to the site sylow...aliens have removed all posts.

Scientologists believe that an alien named xenu, I think, placed an excess of aliens from his planet in volcanoes and blew them up with H bombs 75 million years ago...or so I've been told.

You'd think they guy who thought that up was a science fiction writer! Oh that's right, he was...

Have you seen the latest photos of Katie Holmes? She looks like she's decomposing...

10:25 AM  
Blogger sparklestone said...

Really that Scientology stuff is too depressing to think about right now.

On a happy note, I have joined the marybishop Club of weird search strings. Someone got to my blog with the search "dog fuckingfuck."

10:29 AM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

Don't be hatin' on my Halloween costume just b/c you dressed up as a librarian like you do every year. Considering it was Halloween in New Orleans, I thought I was quite tasteful in my attire! Here's a commentary on TC & his mental condition. Scroll down & click on 'Is Tom Cruise Losing It?'. I know you all want to know...

10:53 AM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

Nice find crackhead. That sums it up pretty well.

Tom's starting to act a little bi-polar.

11:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sylow, that's just what susie said on my blog! She's a therapist, so she outta know.

Tom was always kind of odd to me and now I'm freaking sick of his ass and slightly afraid he's holed up in his evil lair trying to take over the world, one pimpley teenager at a time.

If Oprah loved him before, she may not be so certain after her near strangling. Creeeeeeepy dude.

1:56 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

fkac...thanks for the link...

Nature abhors a vacuum so as soon as Wacko Jacko left late night tv jokesters without material, up pops Tom Cruiscientology -

jumping up on Oprah's sofa, and we all know how hard it is for that poor woman to shop for a new one,

and professing his love for Katie Holmes who he has placed in the hands of a scientology nanny for her care and feeding.

Cruise has crossed over the line...even the Cruise Line.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Sally Tomato said...

All of you are hysterical. ALL OF YOU!

I'm coming here everymorning to start my day off right.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

The funny thing is Sparkle didn't even post today.

4:52 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Sparkey's too busy thinking up emoticons to place in his comments over at my blog...he's probably working on one right now...or

da da dum...he could have been taken by aliens...

WenigGluckliches - now that's a name for you! Glad you are enjoying...

5:47 PM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

Such timely posts, MB! Look what came out today!

3:16 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

FKAC - you know your links...!!

Thanks do you find them???

We gotta take down this boy...such arrogance!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

Tom Cruise is a Fruit Cake

2:32 PM  
Blogger Sylow_P said...

Boycot petition

2:34 PM  
Blogger Formerly known as crackhead said...

MB, all I can say is that my knack for finding useless information serves me well in my profession.

Sylow- love the fruitcake blog. I find it interesting that the URL for the blog says 'TomKat'. We call our catalog here TomCat, and it is about as functional as TomKat.

3:52 PM  

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