Wednesday, December 29, 2004

mcd memory #1

When I worked at McDonald's, there was a dog named Buttons who was a drivethru regular. His lady would pull up to the speaker and Buttons would bark. We would hear it back in the grill area, and immediately start cooking what we called a Buttons Burger...a plain burger on a bun. His lady always emphasised that there couldn't be anything on it at all. Since it was a special order, if anyone came behind them, they would get parked and we would have to run it out to them when it was done. When you brought the burger out and started to hand it through their window, Buttons would try to attack you. Attack in a very spoiled, get his own burger, small, annoying dog, snarly kinda way. Everyone hated Buttons. I remember guys cooking Buttons' burger for the entire 2 minutes and 15 seconds underneath a three inch pile of salt and then scraping it all off before throwing it on the bun. Nobody liked that dog.

There was a Japanese Jehovah's Witness who worked with us. He was working there before I started and was still there after I quit. He was our attempted moral conscience. He tried to prevent all sorts of deviations from Standard Policy, including the horrendous things which befell Buttons' burger. He had run the order out to the car many times and was always met with the same snarl and yet never expressed any dislike toward that nasty creature. And then our Jehovah's Witness got bit. No one had ever been actually bit before. All those burgers didn't help Buttons' speed and agility and the window was never opened very wide.

Our manager drove him to the hospital and I think he got a couple of stitches. That particular burger was cooked in the juice that was skimmed out of the pickle bucket. Our conscience still spoke of Standard Policy afterwards, perhaps with more zeal than before even...but it wasn't to be. Back in the storeroom that evening, a group of the regular grillmen, night crew of course, officially swore off of all policy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a puppy my lady and I would go to McDonalds. My lady would order a plain burger on a bun. Because they were special orders we would have to pull off to the side and wait. Like clockwork, one of those burger flippers would have to run out to the car and try to get the burger through the crack in the window as I'd put up this small, annoying snarly bark routine. Of course I'd put on the show everytime just to see what poison burger they'd dish up. It ranged from salt to pickle juice. Amatures for sure. What a laugh my lady and I had. We'd get these gut busters and drive over to corporate. Our experiments lasted quite some time until an oriental young man came out with one of their prize winning creations. Well, a mishap was bound to happen. I was in rare form, barking et. al and I got a little to close to his hand. Bottom line is blood was drawn. As luck would have it some blood got on the burger. Once the commotion ended, we headed back to corporate again. This burger was our needle in the haystack. Come to find out the burger, bun and blood combined with just the right amount of pickle juice and there you have it, these guys had discovered the cure for baldness. My lady patented the formula. And sold it for millions to the government. She contacted the young japanese fellow and he signed a nondisclosure agreement. He got a half mil or so and went on his way. As far as my lady, she passed a few years ago. Of course I am twenty now. Old for a dog? Not really when you consider that when a dog takes this baldness solution it acts like a fountain of youth. Wonder what those balding burger flippers are up to now?9

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! So now I "passed a few years ago?" Try "left your smelly ass on the side of the road in another state a few years ago."

In case anyone out there cares, we WERE working for corporate...corporate McDonald's. We were getting $100 a week as secret customers at 5 different stores. The money, and the fact that the burgers were comped, made putting up with that mange bucket's problem flatulence bearable. Then he had go and bite that kid and our sweet deal was canned.

So now you're the inventor of some miracle bald cure? I wonder what made you think of that? Could it be because, oh, maybe that you can't walk four feet without hearing someone yell, "Look at that nasty-assed, bald thing?!"

Get a grip Buttons. You and your pencil eraser sized brain pissed away the sweetest plum to ever grace the likes of a real dog, let alone an underbaked mongrel like you.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like mcd memory #3 much better. Oh wait, maybe I'm thinking of tacobell memory #2. I get confused.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll isn't this touching, the old lady is alive. Word was she took one too many happy pills with her nightly shot of gin. Glad to see your still around, Miss BETTY GRIGGS. How's it feel to be outed in a blog after all these years. O.k. so you left me along the side of the road. But at least I made something of myself. After a few commercials, some local theatre, and two feature films, I went on to start a non-profit to help abandoned puppies. Retiring to the Brighton Beach I now live off my investments. Sorry to hear you only have your anger to keep you going.

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have more than my anger to keep me going. I also have a clue about what is happening around me, which is more than I can say about you, you delusional, diminutive, skunk puppet.

It's nice to see you spelling 'theatre' in the King's English. Do you also stick your little pinky claw out while you are licking your nutsack...Oopsie! I forgot. We had that removed.

This seems to be an honest blog and I hate to see it tarnished by an upstaging little punk.

I AM angry. Angry and hurt at how I let you in and you chose to ignore that trust and that bond. I don't want the same to happen to Sparklestone who seems nice, and may I say, quite handsome.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been sitting on the sidelines reading these comments and marvel at how quickly they've gotten personal. I'd encourage y'all to settle down and take each others feelings into consideration. Good luck and I'll stop by sometime in the future to see whats new. Peace. Colin

9:07 PM  

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